To request admission, please complete the form below:
The information entered in this form is confidential
Last name
Upload photo (face)
Family relationship—Please choose an option—SingleMarriedDivorcedWidower
Wife/Girlfriend Name
How many children do you have?
What's your t-shirt size?—Please choose an option—SmallMediumLargeExtra-Large
How is your relationship with God? —Please choose an option—12345678910
¿En cuál de estas 3 categorías crees que estés fallando más?—Please choose an option—FaithFamilyPhysical
How often do you pray and for how long?
How often do you exercise?
What keeps you up at night?
Would you be willing to go through pain and leave your comfort zone to achieve a better version of yourself?
How did you hear about Guerreros de Dios?
Today is the day you decide that your life can change forever, and for the better.