About Warriors of God

Warriors of God was born with the objective of guiding people to reach the maximum potential that God has given them.

Our philosophy is based on the “Pillars of the three F’s” which encompasses personal development, spiritual growth and goal achievement.

Some general principles and steps that apply in the transformation event are:

Identify strengths and passions:

Help the individual identify their strengths, talents and passions. Understanding what you excel at and what brings you joy is crucial to aligning yourself with your God-given potential.

Set clear goals:

Work together to establish specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound objectives. These goals should be in line with their values and the purpose they believe God has for their life.

Develop a growth mindset:

Encourage a growth mindset, emphasizing that skills can be developed through dedication and hard work. This change in mindset can empower people to accept challenges and persist in the face of life’s setbacks.

Spiritual guidance:

Integrate spiritual guidance and reflection into the coaching process. Help the individual explore his faith, deepen his connection with God, and align his goals with his spiritual beliefs.

Create action plans:

Break down major goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. Create action plans that include specific steps based on faith, family, and plan on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. This helps maintain focus and track progress.

Overcome limiting beliefs:

Identify and address any limiting beliefs or negative thought patterns that may be hindering progress. Encourage positive affirmations and provide tools to overcome doubts.


Establish accountability mechanisms, such as regular check-ins or a diary, to ensure the individual remains committed to their goals. This could involve sharing progress with a mentor, coach, or a supportive community.

Continuous learning:

Fomentar el compromiso con el aprendizaje permanente. Esto puede implicar leer, asistir a talleres, buscar mentores o seguir una educación formal. El aprendizaje continuo es esencial para el crecimiento personal y espiritual.

Cultivate resilience:

Ayudar al individuo a desarrollar resiliencia enmarcando los desafíos como oportunidades de crecimiento. Compartir historias de resiliencia de su tradición religiosa u otras fuentes de inspiración.

Celebrate successes:

Celebrate achievements, both big and small. Recognize progress and successes to reinforce positive behavior and motivate greater effort.

Encourage service and generosity:

Emphasize the importance of serving others and giving back to the community. Acts of kindness and service are often integral components of a purpose-driven life.

Adapt and adjust:

Be flexible and willing to adapt the coaching approach based on the individual’s needs and circumstances. Life is dynamic and adjustments may need to be made along the way.

It must be taken into account that the coaching process is highly individualized and it is important to adapt your approach to the unique needs, values and beliefs of the person you are in the transformation process.